Principal Investigator
Prof. Clark Colton, Chemical Engineering; Prof. Donald Sadoway, Materials Science and Engineering; Dr. Andreas Karatsolis, Comparative Media Studies/Writing; Mr. Howard Silver, Libraries; Ms. Felice Frankel, Center for Matl Science and Engineering; Ms. Suzanne Lane, Comparative Media Studies/Writing
Alumni Class Funds
Funding Period:
Chemical Engineering
Students in all disciplines need strong communication skills and MIT’s Communication Requirement provides the framework for detailed communication instruction and feedback. However, communication instruction requires more class time than is available in communication-‐intensive subjects in the majors (CI-‐Ms), and more coherence between the multiple CI-‐Ms in a department. We propose to design, implement, and pilot an integrated system of in-‐class instruction and online communication modules in two Engineering labs (3.014 and 10.26), and subsequently incorporate the same framework in other CI-‐M subjects. This grant requests funds to develop the online modules which will help students analyze authentic texts from their field and engage in interactive activities for practice and feedback.