Principal Investigator
Prof. Alex Byrne, Linguistics & Philosophy; Dr. Milo Phillips-Brown, Linguistics & Philosophy; Marion Boulicault, Linguistics & Philosophy
d'Arbeloff Fund
Funding Period:
Linguistics & Philosophy
Educational Initiative:
The New Engineering Education Transformation (NEET) is a cross-departmental effort to rethink engineering education. With 163 students enrolled, NEET is the fifth largest undergraduate academic cohort on campus. Our goal is to integrate ethics education into NEET. Last year we developed pilot ethics modules for the sophomore and junior NEET curricula. This year, we will refine the sophomore and junior modules. Second, we will develop a new pilot ethics module—Ethical Engineering in a Global Context—for the senior curriculum. Third, we will design an interdisciplinary, outcomes-based assessment plan. And finally, we will create best practices for integrating ethics into engineering curricula more broadly, with a particular eye towards the Schwarzman College of Computing.