Principal Investigator
Prof. Matthew Shoulders, Chemistry; Prof. Troy Van Voorhis, Chemistry
d'Arbeloff Fund
Funding Period:
Our long-term objective is to develop and implement a range of customizable, MITx-based web re- sources to enhance 5.111 Principles of Chemical Science. 5.111 is one of three options for students to com- plete the chemistry general institute requirement (GIR), and is the largest option in terms of number of students serviced. 500–650 students currently take the course each academic year, divided between two sections in the fall and spring semesters. Importantly, resources we develop will be designed for inclusion not just in 5.111, but also to be consistent with the needs of 5.112 and 3.091, broadening the impact of this proposal across de- partments and to an even larger number of first-year MIT undergraduates.