Principal Investigator
Prof. Mary Fuller, Literature Section
Alumni Class Funds
Funding Period:
Literature from Anywhere (21LS88, 9 units, HASS-‐E) is an experimental, nine-‐unit subject designed primarily for students who will be off-‐campus during spring semester. Over IAP, we provide an intensive introduction to the material, its contexts, and analytic tools for reading (in this case) poetry. This year, the topic is John Milton’s epic poem, Paradise Lost. During S14, students complete the reading on their own, collaborate on a “reader's guide” of questions, images, ideas, and resources, and assemble a reflective video on their learning experience. This request is to fund a graduate student TA, software license, and materials for S15 once current funding from the School of Engineering has been expended. Objectives include designing and documenting a new pedagogical model, creating a MIT-‐student’s-‐eye guide to an important and canonical poem, and empowering students as peer-‐teachers who have mastery and ownership of their learning.