Principal Investigator
Dr. Andreas Karatsolis, Comparative Media Studies/Writing; Ms. Suzanne Lane, Comparative Media Studies/Writing
Alumni Class Funds
Funding Period:
Comparative Media Studies/Writing
Recognizing the need of MIT undergraduate students to receive constructive, timely and actionable feedback on their oral presentations, we are pursuing the development of a tool, Metalogon, to allow faculty, TAs, communication instructors and other students give and receive feedback on oral classroom performances. Metalogon, already in prototype form, allows for multi-layered annotations of presentation videos and real-time feedback based on pre-defined categories. It also allows for the annotation of professional models or previous student examples, with commentary and indexing features through the use of a Wiki. Given the importance of effective presentation skills for the professionalization of our students, we believe such a tool can be a critical addition for MIT pedagogy.