Principal Investigator
Prof. Bradley Olsen, Chemical Engineering
d'Arbeloff Fund
Funding Period:
Chemical Engineering
We propose a new class in Chemical and Chemical-Biological Engineering entitled “Molecule Builders.” This class will provide the only engineering design experience for freshmen in the chemical sciences that we are aware of. This subject aims to provide a supervised maker space that introduces students to the applications of engineering design at the molecular level, the very definition of Chemical Engineering. Students will be exposed to the basic principles of molecular-level engineering design using hands-on approaches supplemented by a few lectures. Students will complete an open-ended design project, several of which will be related to national or international competitions in which teams will be invited to participate after completion of the course. Students will also be introduced to the professional and societal roles of chemical engineers, exploring the products chemical engineers design and make, meeting practicing chemical engineers, and learning about how engineering education provides opportunities for their future growth and development.