Principal Investigator
Dr. Diviya Sinha, Biology; Prof. Hazel Sive, Biology
Alumni Class Funds
Funding Period:
"The MIT Biology GIR (7.01) is challenging as it focuses on problem solving. Each semester, about 10% of the class struggles with the material, due to limited educational preparation. PreG7.01 is a new short course that provides background necessary for entry into 7.01, including cell biology, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology. The MITx online platform will be used to prepare recitation and homework problems. PreG 7.01 will reduce the number of 5th week freshmen flags and seniors who fail the course. In the near future PreG7.01x will be built and offered by edX. PreG7.01x will serve MIT students who are off campus, as well as global and life long learners with an interest in Biology. This course will thus have a high impact amongst MIT undergraduates and learners outside MIT."