Principal Investigator
Prof. Elizabeth Wood, History; Dr. Maria Khotimsky, Global Studies and Languages
d'Arbeloff Fund
Funding Period:
We are designing the course (“Introduction to Russian Studies”) around a digital humanities approach that will allow the students to work in groups to build a virtual, web-based museum centered on the core idea of “Russia Real and Imagined through the Ages.” Working in small groups on thematic clusters of topics, students will investigate and analyze a variety of sources, ranging from historical documents and early maps and images of Russia to memoirs by Russians and Westerners, as well as exploring the rich cultural heritage of religious and secular architecture and art, material culture, scientific innovations, and aspects of daily life. They will collaborate in creating their “museum exhibits,” and also brainstorm the organization and “mapping” of the museum. In fall 2020 we plan to take the students to the Museum of Russian Icons in Clinton, MA, where they will view both the collection of icons and a special exhibition of contemporary artist Anne Bobroff-Hajal’s paintings on Russian history themes.